How to Install Django on Windows & Ubuntu

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install Django on Windows & ubuntu step by step. Also, you will know to create Django Project globally or in a Separate Virtual Environment.

If you are going to develop a project using Django Framework, then you will have to install Django in your system. After that, you can easily create a Django project and work with its applications & files

Install Django in Global & Virtual Environment

Before installing Django, make sure that It is already installed in your system or not using the command

django-admin --version

If you find Django is not installed, then you can install it in two ways first one virtual environment & second one Globally. These ways are explained step by step in the upcoming steps

Requirements –

Before installing Django, make sure the following thing must be installed in your system

Python 3.0 or greater -You can download python from its official website If you already installed it, you can check its version by running the command.

python --version

PIP – It is included with python v3.x or higher. So, you need not to install it, but you can check it’s version by running command.

pip --version

Code Editor – You should use visual studio code editor. otherwise you can use another one

Web Browser – You should use Chrome Browser. otherwise you can use another one.

Install Django in Virtual Environment

If you need to install django seperately in your system then you can follow these steps

1. Install Virtual Environment Wrapper

Run this command to install virtual Environment Wrapper

pip install virtualenvwrapper-win

2. Create Virtual Environment (VE)

Then run this command to create virtual Environment

make virtualenv envname

3. Active Virtual Environment

Virtual Environment is automatically activated. If is not then you can run this command

workon envname

4. Install Django in Vertual Environment

After that, run this command to install Django in virtual Environment

pip install django

Note –

You can check the installed Django in virtual environmenr, you will have to run the following command.

First of all, run –

workon codingstatus

Where codingstatus is the name of virtual environment

then run –

django-admin --version

Install Django Globally

If you need to install Django globally in your system then you can just run this command only

pip install django

How to Install Django on windows


just run this command in your terminal to install django globally on windows

pip install django

In Virtual Environment –

  • Open your terminal in your system
  • Installed virtual environment wrapper using command pip virtualenvwrapper-win
  • Create a virtual environment using the command make virtualenv environmentName
  • then active virtual environment using command workon environmentName
  • after that install Django using pip install django

How to install Django on Ubuntu

Globally –

just run this command in your terminal to install django globally on ubuntu

sudo pip install django

In Virtual Environment –

  • Open your terminal in your system
  • Installed virtual environment wrapper using command sudo pip virtualenvwrapper-win
  • Create a virtual environment using the command sudo make virtualenv environmentName
  • then active virtual environment using command sudo workon environmentName
  • after that install Django using sudo pip install django

What Next?

I will share next article on How to Create Django Project as soon as possible.

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