Dynamic tree view in React JS

React Dynamic Tree View: Dynamic tree views are user interface components commonly used to display hierarchical data in a tree structure, where nodes can have parent-child relationships. Each node can be expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide its child nodes, respectively.

These tree structures are particularly useful when representing data with parent-child relationships, such as file systems, organizational charts, nested categories, or any data with nested levels.

This is also called the Hierarchy tree view, Nexted Tree view and parent-child tree view.

react dynamic tree view

Key Features of Tree Views:

  • Display data in a tree structure with parent-child relationships.
  • Nodes can be expanded to show child nodes or collapsed to hide them.
  • Users can interactively expand and collapse nodes by clicking on them.

Usage of Tree Views:

Dynamic tree views are commonly used in various scenarios:

  • Displaying files and folders in a file system.
  • Representing company hierarchies and reporting structures.
  • Displaying product categories and subcategories.
  • Creating visualizations of interconnected ideas or concepts.
  • Displaying the structure of a document or article.
  • Navigating through complex datasets with hierarchical relationships

Steps to Create Tree Views Component in React

Creating a dynamic tree view in React involves the following key concepts to produce a visually appealing component for displaying hierarchical data.

Depending on your project’s complexity, you can start with a basic implementation and expand it to include advanced features as needed.

Key Concepts of Tree View

  • Create components for nodes, each rendering its own content and managing its state.
  • Maintain the expand/collapse state for each node using the React state.
  • Pass data and functions down the component tree to enable interactions.
  • Design data structures that mirror the hierarchy of the tree.
  • Use components that render themselves to handle nested nodes.
  • Capture user clicks on nodes to trigger state changes.
  • Use conditionals to determine when to render child nodes.
  • Apply styles to nodes for improved visualization

1. Set Up Basic Configuration

First of all, You must set up the following basic configuration –

2. Create Calculator Directory

After creating the React App, You will get the default directory structure. Now, Create a calculator directory like –

    |__ components/
    |    |__tree-view/
    |    |    |__data/
    |         |   |__treeData.js
    |         |__ TreeView.js
    |         |__ TreeView.css
    |__ App.js
    |__ index.js

Default React App contains more folders & files but  I have shown here only one

3. Store Tree Views Data

In the src folder of your React project, create a new file named treeData.js (or any suitable name you prefer) inside /src/components/tree-views/data/treeData.js to store your hierarchical data:

This code defines a hierarchical tree structure using nested objects. The structure starts with a root node called “Parent 1,” which has two children: “Child 1” and “Child 2.” “Child 2” itself has a child named “Child 2.1.”

The structure is represented in an array named treeData, which is exported for use in other parts of the application

File Name – treeData.js

const treeData = [
      id: 1,
      name: 'root',
      children: [
          id: 2,
          name: 'item 1',
          children: []
          id: 3,
          name: 'Item 2',
          children: [
              id: 4,
              name: 'Item 2.1',
              children: []
                id: 5,
                name: 'Item 2.2',
                children: []
            id: 6,
            name: 'item 3',
            children: []
            id: 7,
            name: 'item 4',
            children: [
                    id: 6,
                    name: 'item 4.1',
                    children: []
  export default treeData;


4. Create a Tree View Component

The provided code defines a React component that displays a collapsible tree structure. It imports tree data, creates a `TreeNode` component for rendering individual nodes, and a `TreeView` component that uses the `TreeNode` to display the entire tree structure. Clicking on nodes toggles their visibility, and icons change to represent folder or document states.

File Name – TreeView.js

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import treeData from './data/treeData';

const TreeNode = ({ node }) => {
    const [isExpanded, setIsExpanded] = useState(false);
    const handleToggle = () => {
    return (
      <div className="tree-node">
        <div onClick={handleToggle} className={`node-toggle ${isExpanded ? 'expanded' : ''}`}>
          {isExpanded && node.children.length > 0 ? '?' : '?'} {node.name}
        {isExpanded && (
          <ul className="child-nodes">
            {node.children.map(childNode => (
              <li key={childNode.id}>
                <TreeNode node={childNode} />

const TreeView = () => {
  return (
      {treeData.map(rootNode => (
        <TreeNode key={rootNode.id} node={rootNode} />

export default TreeView;

Steps to write code:

  • Import the `React` and `useState` modules from ‘react’.
  • Import the `treeData` object from the ‘treeData.js’ file.
  • Define a functional component `TreeNode` that takes a `node` prop.
  • Inside `TreeNode`, set up a state variable `isExpanded` using the `useState` hook, initialized to `false`.
  • Declare a function `handleToggle` that toggles the `isExpanded` state.
  • Return JSX for the `TreeNode` component, with a div containing node information and an icon that changes based on `isExpanded`.
  • If `isExpanded` is `true`, render a list of child nodes with their own `TreeNode` components.
  • Define the `TreeView` component.
  • In the `TreeView` component, map through each `rootNode` in the `treeData` and render a `TreeNode` component for each, with a unique key.
  • Export the `Tree` component as the default export for this module.

5. Design Tree View Component

These CSS styles help create a visually pleasing and interactive dynamic tree view, with clear indicators for the expand/collapse functionality and proper spacing for a hierarchical structure. You can modify these styles as needed to match your design preferences.

File Name – TreeView.css

/* src/styles.css */
.tree-node {
    margin-left: 20px;
    border-left: 1px dashed #aaa;
    padding-left: 8px;
    position: relative;
  .node-toggle {
    cursor: pointer;
    transition: color 0.3s;

  .child-nodes {
    margin-left: 20px;
    list-style: none;
    padding-left: 8px;
  .child-nodes > li {
    margin: 5px 0;

Explanation –

  • .tree-node: Adds left margin, a dashed border to the left, left padding for indentation, and positions child nodes relatively.
  • .node-toggle: Changes cursor to pointer on hover, provides a smooth color transition for the toggle icon.
  • .child-nodes: Sets left margin for indentation, removes bullet points from list items, adds left padding.
  • .child-nodes > li: Adds vertical spacing between child nodes.

6. Load TreeView Component

  • It imports the `TreeView` component.
  • The `App` component returns the `TreeView` component, which is intended to render a Tree view interface.
  • The `App` component is exported as the default export of the module.

File Name – App.js

import React from 'react';
import TreeView from './components/tree-view/TreeView';
import './components/tree-view/TreeView.css';

function App() {
  return (
    <div className="App">
      <TreeView />

export default App;

7.  Display Tree View in Web Browser

To display the tree view in a web browser, first run the following command in your terminal.

npm start

After that, open the following URL in your web browser to see the calculator
